Chapter 223: He Teng's Request 3_1

The Liao sister, who was being speculated at noon in the canteen by Chen Xiting and others about whether she had lost one leg or both, has now been publicly expelled from school. This punishment is even more severe than being advised to withdraw. Expulsion undoubtedly adds insult to injury to Liao sister's current miserable situation.

However, this is the school's punishment. He Zhilan wouldn't interfere much, although she also thought that expulsion was a bit harsh.

In the evening, when He Zhilan left the school and was about to go to the hospital, she saw Lin Chan leaning against his car at the school gate, holding a cigarette in one hand and making a call with the other, staring intently at the school gate.

"Zhilan, over here! Over here!" Lin Chan waved frantically at He Zhilan, fearing that she wouldn't see him, even without hanging up his call.

"Aren't you super busy lately? How come you have time to come find me today?" He Zhilan walked over with a smile. As she was familiar with Lin Chan, she didn't wait for his invitation but opened the car door and sat in.

"Can't I take a break from my busy schedule to visit you? My own sister has been bullied. Can I, as a brother, abandon her and focus only on making money? Ding Long and that woman Liao Qinghong shouldn't have broken up. They both are such nuisances and were well matched!" Lin Chan chuckled and quickly started the car after discarding his cigarette. "Liao Qinghong dared to allow her mother to hit you in the hospital. She is in a mess but still dragged you into it. If we let her off without a lesson, she will think she can bully our Zhilan."

"Don't tell me that getting Liao Qinghong expelled from school is your doing?" He Zhilan was shocked. She inferred from Lin Chan's tone that he was behind Liao Qinghong's expulsion. Her initial response was that the change from being advised to withdraw to an expulsion might be due to Lin Chan.

He Zhilan guessed right, she could tell from Lin Chan's smug smile that he was responsible behind the expulsion.

"Getting her expelled is the least of her lessons! If I hadn't been worried about causing a huge ruckus last night, I might have destroyed her home!" Lin Chan stopped abruptly halfway through his sentence to glance sneakily at He Zhilan. Seeing her shocked expression, he chuckled, regretting that he unintentionally revealed his devious side in his moment of glory.

Lin Chan wondered how he could redeem the harmless big brother image he had carefully created in front of He Zhilan.

He Zhilan managed to control her expression, murmuring, "No wonder Bian Xiulin knew who had told Liao sister's mom about my location so quickly this morning."

"That guy Gu En will get a good slap one of these days," Lin Chan cursed, "Someone will teach her a lesson sooner or later. Although I, Lin Chan, despise hitting women, I wouldn't mind making an exception for Gu En."

But for now, all he could do was wish, as the Gu family's protective attitude towards their precious child, Gu En was there. Should he dare harm even a strand of her hair, several families would probably join forces to beat him.

He Zhilan glanced away from Lin Chan and chuckled inwardly. It was no mistake that Gu En had long crowned Lin Chan's hate list.

After the quarrel in the morning, He Zhilan hadn't seen Gu En. She wondered if Gu En, with her personality, would hold a grudge. Fortunately, for a considerable time now, she didn't have much time to stay in the dormitory with Gu En.