Chapter 226 He Teng's Request 6_1

He Teng's expression subtly changed, seemingly deep in thought, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, his gaze fixated on He Zhilan's fingers holding a cotton swab.

After a few seconds, He Teng said, "Apologize to her tomorrow morning. Gu En has a bit of a temper. If she says anything unpleasant, ignore it and avoid arguing with her."

Taking a pause, he added, "After all, you and her will be sharing the same dorm room for many years in college. Don't sour your relationship. She tends to act unpredictably, and quarreling with her won't turn out well for you. Maintain a normal roommate relationship with her, stay out of her social circle, and don't get involved with her group of friends."

This was probably the first time in a long while that He Teng had definitively advised He Zhilan on how to act in a situation.

In the past, He Zhilan might have hesitated, but now she could confidently nod in agreement. The only reason she got close to Gu En in the first place was because she had a cousin with the surname Lan and coincidentally, Gu En shared the same surname. In addition, her father's surname was Gu and her mother's was Lan. But now, with the prospects of the Tan Family, He Zhilan had new hopes and directions and no longer needed to place all her hopes on Gu En.

However, after hearing He Teng describe Gu En as a person who acts unpredictably, He Zhilan looked over at him and asked, "Are you and Gu En close? Otherwise, how would you know what kind of person she is?"

"No." He Teng answered curtly.

Indeed, how could Gu En, so well-bred, be familiar with the likes of He Teng, an ordinary soldier? Even if she bumped into him at a public event, given her towering pride, she would probably refuse to greet him.

Yet, He Teng had some understanding of Gu En's character, gleaned from people's comments and from some actions she had taken.

He Teng knew that when Lan Li had been seeing his previous partner, Gu En was not a person who treated people much better than He Zhilan, but was in fact much more manipulative and troublesome.

Although He Teng wasn't entirely sure why Lan Li and his previous partner had broken up, he had heard about quite a few incidents because of Gu En.

If he had to describe Gu En, He Teng would only say that Gu En was a person with particularly strong possessiveness. Whether it be possessions or someone's affection, she does not allow sharing with anyone else. He Teng couldn't think of any other words to describe her. On one hand, as a man, he was not interested in discussing a woman's faults, and on the other hand, he had never paid much attention to Gu En. He wasn't particularly interested in the so-called "red aristocrat" and didn't fawn over her like others did.

After waiting a while and seeing that He Teng wasn't going to say anything else, He Zhilan slightly pouted and put down the thing she was holding, thinking to herself that He Teng had again become the reticent person he used to be.

"Oh, I remember!" He Zhilan suddenly raised her voice, "This weekend, my friend is coming to visit you at the hospital."

Once she finished speaking, He Zhilan couldn't help but smile with a smirk, even with an air of complacency, "It's my best, best friend!"

"Hmm." He Teng paused; He Zhilan had mentioned this before, but there seemed to be something different about her tone and her unusually good mood today, "Do your classmates at school know you're married?"