Chapter 229: He Teng's Request 9_1

The hospital patient outfits didn't have belts, only drawstrings. He Zhilan untied the drawstring of his pants, hesitated for a moment, then continued her actions.

At this moment, He Zhilan's mind was blank. All she could hear was a buzzing sound in her ears. Acting and being brave are two different things.

"Zhilan," He Teng felt his head was about to explode, "Put it in a little more, otherwise, it will spill out."

Her face flushed, He Zhilan nodded and did as he said. Once He Teng said he was fine, she quickly pulled on his pants and darted off to the bathroom.

After washing the night pot, He Zhilan stared at her flushed face in the mirror, scratched her neck, and grimaced at her reflection. "He Zhilan, just toughen up! He's more embarrassed than you are!", she muttered to herself.

He Zhilan spent quite a while in the bathroom, leaving He Teng puzzled about her activities. Nevertheless, his body proudly reacted to her touch.

Approaching thirty and full of vitality, with a sweet and pleasing newlywed wife, it would be alarming if Little He Teng didn't stand to attention!

It took He Zhilan nearly fifteen minutes before she emerged from the bathroom. Her flushed face had cooled considerably, but even with her head lowered, her plump and adorable ears still betrayed her embarrassment.

"From now on, I'll try to get the nurse to come," He Teng's voice was a bit hoarse, "But at most in a few days, I should be able to do it myself with my recovery ability."

When He Teng spoke, He Zhilan instinctively looked at him, but as soon as she met his deep eyes, she quickly diverted hers. "It's okay, we're a married couple." Pausing for a moment, He Zhilan suddenly added, "It's not as if I haven't seen it before."

He Zhilan thought to herself, if Ya Dan were here, she would definitely make fun of her. They were an old married couple already familiar with each other, she shouldn't be shy!

He Zhilan's comment was purely a slip of the tongue. Only when she noticed He Teng's increasingly meaningful gaze did she embarrassingly touch her nose and argue stubbornly, "Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't say anything wrong."

At this point, He Teng was genuinely sure he hadn't misheard, the comment had indeed come from his new wife's mouth.

"You didn't say anything wrong." He Teng's lips gradually curved into a smile, reaching his eyes, "Since you didn't say anything wrong, why are your ears so red? Why are you burying your head? Is there money on the ground for you to pick up?"

"None of your business!" He Zhilan glared at the man making fun of her. Who was she bold for? It was all for his comfort!

Good intentions were taken for granted! That blockhead was actually more pleasant when he was silent!

"He Zhilan, come sit next to me." He Teng's smile was unfiltered, but it brought on a bout of chest tremors. He could only suppress his laughter, grimacing in discomfort.

"You call and I come? Humph!" While He Zhilan mumbled so, her feet obediently walked over to him and she took her seat next to him.