Chapter 235: Giving Advice to Lin Chan 3_1

Lin Chan shrugged, "If it wasn't their own company's fabric, as long as the quality is neither good nor bad, I could keep haggling, but I'm really not sure what's going on now. What is the other company thinking? Did they offer me this once-in-a-lifetime deal just because I'm one of their major customers?"

"Obviously." He Zhilan paused, grinned, and shrugged, "There aren't any free lunches in this world. It's good to be cautious. Did they ask you to buy a large quantity?" Bian Muhe picked up the thread of the conversation, then added, "What was the name of the R Country company you collaborated with last time that sounded so rustic?"

"Shang Cunshu, a family-owned business. The company is also called Shang Cunshu." Lin Chan explained, "The quantity they're offering is huge. I did the calculations. If I was to sign this deal, I would have to pull out ninety percent of the company's current operating capital."

"Ninety percent? How much inventory are they asking you to buy? You're getting such a low price and you still have to use up ninety percent of your company's operating capital?" Bian Muhe was taken aback. He had a rough idea of Lin Chan's company's assets, so he was shocked that they had to put in so much money for just one deal.

"If you sign this deal, you'll only be able to focus on fabric wholesale in the short term. Ninety percent of your operating capital is indeed a bit scary." He Zhilan added her two cents. While she didn't quite understand how big Lin Chan's company was, the fact that such a large percentage of their capital was involved made her understand why he was so cautious. After all, if there were any problems, such a large expenditure could easily plunge the company into crisis due to a lack of liquid assets.

He Zhilan bit her lip, then fell silent. After all, she didn't know much about business matters.

"Shang Cunshu." Bian Xiulin had been quiet until hearing the family name then laughed out loud, "It really is quite rustic! R Country people have no taste, huh? Why not simply call it Top of the Village Tree? It rolls off the tongue so easily, it's hilarious!"

He Zhilan hadn't found the name all that funny at first, but Bian Xiulin's jests have undoubtedly added a lot of the rustic charm to it.

However, in the middle of her laughter, He Zhilan's expression suddenly changed!

R Country! Centennial family business, fabric!

These few phrases suddenly popped out in He Zhilan's memory, linking to a major news story she had heard while working in her previous life.

He Zhilan suddenly remembered that, in her past life, she had heard that a century-old family business in R Country that sold fabrics was disrupted due to internal family strife. The factory's production line was contaminated with a chemical. This chemical, when in contact with human skin for a certain period of time, would cause a rash and ungodly itching.

He Zhilan remembered that the business didn't immediately address the issue when it was discovered. Instead, they concealed the truth from everyone and continued to sell off these problematic products on a large scale, with the majority of them being sold to the country she was residing in. When the problem eventually surfaced, many industries at home suffered severe losses while the family business promptly filed for bankruptcy.

The most heavily affected was the clothing industry. She remembers there was almost half a year where apparel in department stores remained unsold. Because the clothes made from this family business's fabric were mostly high-end, almost none dared to walk into a clothing store for fear of inadvertently buying tainted products. In that half year, many domestic clothing factories went out of business and associated industries also suffered heavy losses. The butterfly effect of this problem led to increasing unemployment and a sharp economic decline.