Chapter 237: Advising Lin Chan 5_1

"Zhilan, you've got a great method. After all, what can your secretary see by going over? If there's indeed an issue with the cloth, it's likely due to the dye. The average person wouldn't think of this. I suspect there's something inside that allows the price to be so low," Muhe praised He Zhilan with sparkling eyes.

"In addition, you must personally negotiate this restriction and make their warehouse samples yourself. If they refuse, the batch definitely has a problem." He Zhilan blushed upon hearing Muhe's praise.

"I'll first call them to gauge their attitudes without letting them know where I am. For now, I'll just call them to inform them I'm in the R Country to sample goods and consider doing this business." Lin Chan, being the person he is, did what he spoke. He left abruptly to make the call in a quieter room without finishing his meal.

Muhe and Xiulin had to return to the hospital after lunch, so they were ready to leave without waiting for Lin Chan to return.

"Zhilan, Xiulin and I will go back to the hospital first. Stay here with Lin Chan for a while. When he's done with the call, ask him some questions and provide him advice. Don't be afraid if you might be wrong; two heads are better than one. Tomorrow, Lin Chan will drive you to the hospital. Xiulin and I will explain to your husband." Muhe entrusted He Zhilan with the responsibility of keeping Lin Chan in check. Seeing that Lin Chan respected He Zhilan's opinions and her unwavering commitment to Lin Chan, he felt comfortable leaving her with him.

He Zhilan nodded. She would have done these things without Muhe's orders, ensuring Lin Chan didn't get involved in the murky business.

As soon as Muhe and Xiulin left, the room was filled with Lin Chan's angry English curse words. Anyone who didn't know the situation might think some hooligan was swearing, rather than a businessperson conducting negotiations.

"Lin Chan, I'm coming in." He Zhilan knocked and then gently entered. As expected, Lin Chan looked quite frustrated, his furious expressions clearly indicating his anger.

After cursing at the other party, Lin Chan directly hung up and threw his phone onto the table in anger.

"What happened? Why did an argument start?" He Zhilan was startled. "Didn't manage to negotiate? Are they unwilling to let you sample the goods?"

"They're unwilling, but that's not all. They even dared to accuse me of being naive. If they were here, I'd teach them a lesson!" Lin Chan angrily exclaimed, "I'll have my secretary return home. I'll continue collaborating with their company and they'll be at my mercy from now on! They've gone too far!"

"It seems the batch definitely has a problem. They probably got angry because they felt you were suspicious. They originally planned on conducting business only once, so they're not afraid of offending you if the deal fails." He Zhilan got Lin Chan a glass of water, "Drink some water to cool off."