Chapter 249 Suspected Pregnancy 6_1

"Can you take me for a check-up? I suspect I might be pregnant." He Zhilan said, her eyes fixed on the teacup in her hand, "the last time I had my period was about a week before National Day."

"Pff~" Bian Xiulin spat out her water in surprise, drenching He Zhilan's face as she was standing right in front of her, "Oh! Sorry about that, I was just shocked. It was unintentional!"

Bian Xiulin quickly put down her cup to wipe He Zhilan's face with a tissue. "Our class rep, He, aren't we progressing a bit too quickly? So bold?"

"Can't you stop teasing me when we're dealing with such a serious issue?" an almost tearful He Zhilan asked Bian Xiulin, "I'm still a student!"

Bian Xiulin nodded solemnly, but her teasing managed to slip into her response, "Exactly, you are still a student! The class rep He should be more careful about timing her...plants. Even if you're in a hurry, you shouldn't rush to plant seeds!"

Having had her fun teasing He Zhilan, who clearly was not in the mood for jokes, Bian Xiulin took her to have a blood test done.

Even after the blood sample was taken and they were on their way back, Bian Xiulin's suggestive smile hadn't abated, "You should go back to your brother's place first. I'll urge my colleagues to speed up getting your results. They're about to get off work now, but you should have the results by tomorrow morning."

"Okay." He Zhilan agreed, but she couldn't help but sigh, "Can't you wipe that smile off your face? If I really am pregnant, just wait and see how quick Xing Ye will be urging you to hurry up, get married, and have a child!"

Her words instantly froze Bian Xiulin's smile, "I was wrong! I was wrong! Please don't be pregnant! Now that you and He Teng are married, Xing Ye keeps pressing us to get married too! If you were to have a child, I can only imagine him constantly nagging me about it, to the point of deafening me."

"Whether you step forward or backward, it's the same. You're engaged to Xing Ye, and getting married is just a matter of time. I really don't understand why you're so hesitant about going ahead with the wedding registration? You've been hanging around the Bian family for so long, aren't you afraid Xing Ye will get fed up with you? And stop worrying about turning into a nagging wife after marriage. Look at Zhilan, she's happily married to He Teng, aren't they living sweetly together? Having a child after marriage isn't bad either, right? Besides, considering how spoiled you are by Xing Ye, do you really think he would let you become a housewife?"

Bian Muhe appeared from behind them. Because He Teng and He Zhilan are well-known in the hospital, many doctors and nurses are familiar with them, so Bian Muhe had also heard about Zhilan's suspected pregnancy.

After chiding Bian Xiulin, Bian Muhe turned to Zhilan, "Are you pregnant? Good for He Teng. He might be behind Xing Ye when it comes to dating, but he's certainly ahead in getting married and having kids. Xing Ye would be so envious if he knew."

"It's just a suspicion, it's not confirmed yet, right He Zhilan?" Afraid of being further reprimanded by Bian Muhe, Bian Xiulin swiftly took He Zhilan and slipped away, not returning to her office until her shift was over.

After parting ways with Bian Xiulin, He Zhilan returned to the ward alone. Seeing her return, He Teng anxiously inquired about the results, his expression filled with concern.