Chapter 252: Suspected Pregnancy 9_1

Once one falls in love, who can really help?

He Zhilan sighed, "Luckily, Lin Deng isn't the kind of man who acts recklessly. If he doesn't like Jiang Biyun, he definitely won't get involved with her. We can only hope that one day Jiang Biyun will understand this."

During the confused adolescent years, who hasn't had a love that ended without cause? Who hasn't tried to secretly harbor feelings for someone until it was impossible to continue?

So, thinking about Jiang Biyun, Zhilan was truly glad that not every man in the world was a scum like Ding Long, who accepts all comers! It was ridiculous that Zhou Hongjin ever said that Ding Long could be single-minded in love!

"Zhilan, come over here." He Teng wasn't a meddler. He simply told Zhilan that there was no possibility between Jiang Biyun and Lin Deng. Afterwards, he didn't say anything else, only suddenly asked Zhilan to move a bit closer to him.

Though confused, Zhilan obeyed and used her eyes to ask He Teng if he needed her help with something. But when she turned to look at him, she saw him lifting his hand and placing it on her lower abdomen.

Not knowing what he was thinking, at first, he kept his hand on her clothes. After a few seconds of silence, he directly lifted her shirt slightly, then placed his palm directly on her skin.

He Teng's palm, hardened from years of gripping guns and training wore thick calluses, which made Zhilan tickle immensely when they brushed against her skin.

"Big brother, it tickles~" Zhilan looked at He Teng, puzzled. "What are you touching?"

"Is it because you're too thin that I can't feel anything? I can't tell at all that there's a child here," He Teng's voice was very low, mumbling as if talking to himself.

"Child?" Zhilan was taken aback, "Even if I really am pregnant, it hasn't been more than a month and a half. How could you possibly feel anything? It's not like I'm carrying a monster!"

"Are you talking nonsense again?" He Teng glanced at Zhilan, "A child is a child, how can it be a monster? Do you speak about your own child like that?"

After reprimanding Zhilan, He Teng finally withdrew his hand and said, "Whether you're pregnant or not, you need to take better care of yourself. You're too thin. If your father sees you like this, he would be heartbroken."

Zhilan pouted, but didn't dare to talk back. She thought to herself that if he kept feeding her like a pig, she would become so fat that her father would be really worried!

Zhilan felt that she was just fine the way she was. She might be thin, but she had everything she needed!

Although he couldn't read minds to know what Zhilan was thinking, He Teng could tell from her expression that she must be silently disagreeing with him but just didn't dare to voice it out.

Around nine o'clock, a nurse came to put an extra bed in the room for family members. Realizing that He Teng needed rest, Zhilan didn't continue talking to him. Perhaps because he hadn't had any rest all day, within ten minutes after the light went out, there were sounds of light snoring from He Teng, indicating that he had fallen asleep.

It was Zhilan, though, who couldn't rest well that night due to her worries about possible pregnancy. All she could think about was a question of choice.

She knew that He Teng genuinely wanted this child. That's why he had put his hand on her abdomen that night, trying to feel for the existence of their child. Perhaps he knew that if the child did exist, they wouldn't be able to keep it. So, he wanted to have a sense of it beforehand. Otherwise, with his introverted nature, he wouldn't have acted this way.

She loved him, so she really wanted to see him holding their child with a special kind of happiness. But...