Chapter 254: Big Misunderstanding 2_1

"Zhilan, what you don't know is that there's this magical thing called 'father-son telepathy'!" At this moment, Bian Xiulin was standing on He Teng's side.

He Zhilan nodded absentmindedly, not in the mood to banter with Bian Xiulin. Right now, all she wanted to do when she looked at He Teng was to dig a hole and bury herself in it!

So mortifying! So utterly embarrassing!

She had thought she was pregnant and scolded He Teng about it, even seriously asked him about whether he wanted the baby or not. She was so nervous about it that she had insomnia last night, only to find out that the baby didn't exist in the first place!

He Zhilan almost wanted to bury her face in the ground, given her thin skin, any embarrassment would make her ears turn a fiery red.

Seeing how He Zhilan was, He Teng knew she was embarrassed. He figured she was probably worried that he would be angry for making such a spectacle.

"It's okay, don't overthink it." He Teng reached out and lightly patted He Zhilan's hand to soothe her. Seeing that although she still kept her head down, she nodded in response, he felt relieved and turned to Bian Xiulin, "Would it trouble you to take her for a check-up?"

"He Teng, you don't have to ask. I've already scheduled a time with an old TCM doctor. I'm planning to take Zhilan there. Even if you and Xing Ye had no connection, just based on the friendship between Zhilan and me, and for all the times you've helped me and Xing Ye, it's something I should do. So don't beat around the bush with me about it being troublesome." Bian Xiulin was straightforward. She would be willing to help, no one needed to ask.

"Let's go. There's no gold on the floor. Come with me to the TCM hospital." Bian Xiulin pulled He Zhilan. She struggled to contain her laughter in front of He Teng, but as soon as they left the ward, she burst into deep laughter, "Zhilan, Zhilan, how can you be so adorable? You're killing me! Oh my, you have no idea, when I got your report, I laughed so hard my belly hurt! I heard that yesterday you scolded poor He Teng because of this issue? The nurse on your floor said that He Teng was scolded into silence by you!"

"It's not that exaggerated!" He Zhilan pulled at her blouse, "I didn't expect it to be a problem with my body. This has never happened before, and my periods have always been regular."

"Alright, alright, no more teasing." Bian Xiulin finally had enough of the laughter, "People say that a woman's periods can change after marriage. Some who had painful periods before, no longer experience pain after marriage. Guess it's the same logic."

"Is there any medical proof for this?" He Zhilan asked in surprise. It was the first time she heard such a claim.

Bian Xiulin shook her head decisively, "No!"

"Are you sure you didn't steal that doctor's coat from your brother? Did you escape from a mental institution?" He Zhilan rolled her eyes. Bian Xiulin said she wouldn't tease her, but obviously that was a lie!

"Oh, dear Zhilan, how can you be so adorable! I want to take you home and keep you! If we were a family, life would never be boring! Look at you, polite, can cook, and so cute, life must be full of joy every day! Having you is like having a dutiful doll sister, a cook, a diligent maid, and a fun entertainer. Suddenly, I don't want to marry Xing Ye, I want to marry you!" With that, Bian Xiulin leaned onto He Zhilan like a little bird, "Zhilan, I don't mind sharing you with He Teng, marry me!"