Chapter 1282: Don't Judge by Appearance 2

Guan Cheng didn't believe it, "For no reason at all, who would hit you?"

Wang Chengjun was a local, and Zhou Zhou was an outsider. Unless the situation was serious, would she strike someone?

There was only one reason that would force a girl to hit back, and that was indeed as she claimed, that Wang Chengjun had made unwelcome advances on her.

"You little punk, why would you rather believe an outsider than me?" Wang Chengjun snarled, his eyes bulging like cow eggs, "I got half beaten to death by that girl, and you better not go spreading rumors!"

"Don't worry!" Guan Cheng glanced at him, and when his reputation was concerned, he wasn't about to go blabbering.

Zhou Zhou was a girl, and even if she hadn't been compromised, her reputation could still be devastated by gossip spreading from one to ten and ten to a hundred.

Guan Cheng, who had been deeply affected by slanderous gossip, still hadn't cleared his name to this day.