Chapter 1291: Saving People by the River 4

"You little brat, after your auntie saved your life, is that all you have to say?"

If it weren't for the boy's weak breath and pallid face just after waking up, Wang Dachun really wanted to smack him across the face.

So dangerous, the river is so deep. He shouldn't have run here.

Wang Haiping, who had stumbled and scrambled to get there, finally arrived at the scene of her son's accident. Seeing that her son had opened his eyes, and although he looked like a piglet that had been rolling in a mud pit, he was alive and not lying motionless waiting for her. Wang Haiping's heart suddenly felt relieved, her legs became weak as if filled with vinegar, and she collapsed to the ground, sobbing loudly.

Everyone understood her feelings and tried to comfort her, "He's alive, he's alive, he has been saved. Stop crying!"

"Yes, from now on, you must keep a closer eye on your child. With the river so high, how could you let him play alone by the water?"