Chapter 9 Young Cloud Also Has Dreams_1

The stretch-version of the "Phantom" steadily traverses the straight highway. Perhaps because it's a luxury car, no drivers dare to get close to it. If by accident they were to collide, even if it was just a scratch on its body, the repair fee alone could put an ordinary family into bankruptcy.

As such, Ade, the driver, seems very relaxed.

The man in the backseat, Yun Mo, also finds the view beyond the window very serene. Occasionally, strands of spring breeze seep in, relaxing his slightly furrowed eyebrows.

Seeing him in such a state from the rear-view mirror, Ade feels relieved and says, "Young Master Yun, in the past, you had me spread the rumor that you had issues with your sexual orientation. Recently, the media stirred up this old story again, causing the Yun Family's stock price to plummet significantly. Young Master Yun, you aren't really..."

Yun Mo: "..."

Ade: "Young Master Yun, you allowed me to speak frankly."

The silent Yun Mo finally responds, his voice exuding noble aloofness, yet the words are undeniably true:

"I was born with a golden key in my mouth."

"Even if I were sickly and physically crippled, there would still be elegant young ladies willing to throw themselves at me."

"Do you really believe that those women surrounding me, seemingly beautiful, virtuous, or independent, are truly in love with me?"

"Looking beyond my status as the heir to the Yun Family, would I really be with any of them?"

Yun Mo sneers inwardly, falls silent for a moment, and then sighs lightly. If he were just an ordinary person, he wouldn't be surrounded by so many women.

Ade listens attentively, having never noticed before that his young master had so much to say.

Yun Mo, with his cold gaze toward the window, looking from near to far, towards the bustling high-rises, couldn't help but sigh. The times are changing too quickly, people's hearts are gradually losing their original sincerity, and truly valuable love is so hard to find.

"I would rather be just an ordinary person, able to offer a woman worth my love a beautiful future, a warm home, through my own efforts."

I don't wish for too much luxury, but at least enough to provide her a relaxed lifestyle, a home where she can bear me children. A simple life without sickness or pain, just the two of us, growing old together."

However, as Yun Mo, such a possibility is not feasible.

Ade rarely sees his young master speak so much at once. Usually, his responses were limited to a sentence, or just a few words.

Could this outpouring of words today be because Yun Mo just received his marriage license, and is in high spirits?

Or is it more precisely because of Qiao Xiaon'an?

"Young Master Yun, isn't Qiao Xiaon'an attracted to your status?"


Yun Mo did not respond, but merely leaned back in his car seat, gazing out the car window at the high-rises in the distance. His eyes focused on the bluish sky, where the wind blew and stirred the grey-clouded sky.

A storm is imminent.

Looking at the time, Qiao Xiaon'an should have returned to the Tongyu Group by now. Yun Mo took a deep sigh of relief.

"From now on, Qiao Xiaon'an is my wife, the young lady of the Yun Family."


After Qiao Xiaon'an returned to the Tongyu group, she sat at her desk and looked at the Bird's Nest Fern in the potted plant. She had pulled it apart in the morning, and found herself in a daze.

Now that she's married, should she share the news with someone?

As such, she dialed the number of her best friend, Ye Weiyi. She quickly picked up and took the initiative, saying, "Xiao'an, my godmother called me earlier and urged me to convince you to marry Yun Mo no matter what. Are you still at the civil affairs office? Xiao'an, listen to me, don't rush, and don't listen to my godmother. How can you be happy if you just marry anyone?"

"It's too late, we've already registered for the marriage license."


"Weiwei, I really got married."

"To Yun Mo?"


"What do you know about him, besides the fact that he's a rich heir?"

It might have been because it was not yet time for the noon break, Qiao Xiaon'an was afraid the noise from the call would disturb her coworkers. As a result, she got up and headed for the corridor to talk. "I don't know much about him, but I've got a marriage license now, and my mom will stop pressuring me about marriage."

Ye Weiyi, "Xiao'an, could it be that you were so hurt by Chu Nantian that you just married anyone?"

Qiao Xiaon'an, "What does this have to do with Chu Nantian? He's, completely out of the picture now."

Ye Weiyi, "Can you afford to leave the Tongyu Group? Both Yuan Yifan and Chu Nantian work there, and they are about to get engaged. Won't it be hard for you to continue working there?"

At that moment, Qiao Xiaon'an was stunned by that comment. Phone's receiver didn't capture the fleeting sorrow on her face. After all, she once loved him; how could there not be a trace of heartache? Chu Nantian, who pledged to marry her despite the Chu Family's opposition, ended up in bed with his cousin Yuan Yifan. She was actually quite resentful.

Qiao Xiaon'an, "Weiwei, remember this, I'm staying at Tongyu to make myself stronger. The more Chu Nantian and Yuan Yifan want to hurt me, the stronger I will become. Don't you want me to become more resilient?"

Ye Weiyi, "Come on, you just want to hurt yourself more until you become numb."

Qiao Xiaon'an, "I live for myself, isn't it a good thing to become stronger? Okay, so you can tell my godmother that I've got my license, so she won't keep bombarding me with calls. I still have to work."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Xiaon'an turned her phone off, otherwise her mother would blow up her phone with calls about her marriage.

The front desk downstairs notified her to pick up a package. Upon returning to her desk and opening it, she found a beautifully packaged suit bag containing a comfortable suit - a casual blazer that was perfect for this drizzling season, neither cold nor hot when worn.

It was just like sending charcoal in snowy weather, as she had been soaked by the morning rain and forgot to bring a coat.

Without thinking, Qiao Xiaon'an put it on right away and immediately felt the warmth spreading along her chilly arms.

A feeling of warmth flowed in her heart. This clothing fit so well, it must have been sent by someone who knew her, otherwise how would they know her clothing size?

As a coworker passes by Xiaon'an's desk, they suddenly stop, scrutinizing her casual suit jacket.

"Wow, Xiao'an, this suit of yours..."

"What about it?"

"I saw it in the luxury goods store last time, it costs tens of thousands of yuan per piece."


Qiao Xiaon'an tucks a few loose strands of hair behind her ears, feeling bewildered. None of the people she knew could possibly afford and be willing to buy a suit worth tens of thousands to give to her.

"You must be mistaken, it's not a luxury good."

"How could it not be? The fabric, the color, the style, they are exactly the same as the one I saw in the luxury goods store."


"Ah well, for us workers, we can only afford to look. Xiao'an, you are so lucky. Who gifted it to you? Could it be President Chu? But no, President Chu broke up with you a long time ago, he's almost engaged to Yuan Yifan."


She didn't answer but used work as an excuse to send coworker A away. Before leaving, coworker A still looked at her suit jacket, her eyes practically glowing.

Qiao Xiaon'an glanced at the clothes she was wearing. Who gave them to her? It couldn't possibly be Chu Nantian, right? Who else could afford a piece of clothing worth tens of thousands to give to her, and also know her size?

She immediately took it off!

She didn't even want to wear a garment sent by Chu Nantian.