Chapter 12: Breaking into His Heart like a Flowing Stream (Part 1)_1

The car was driving steadily along the road. Within the spacious and comfortable compartment, the unfamiliar tune of "Never Grow Old" was quite soothing to listen to. Little by little, Qiao Xiaon'an let the thoughts of her mother's urgency for her to leave her natal house slip away. The more she listened, the more she found the song therapeutic, and capable of lifting her spirits.

"Ade, what's the name of this song?" Since she knew Yun Mutou wouldn't answer her, she asked the driver, Ade instead. As expected, Ade responded promptly. He glanced at her through the rearview mirror and even flashed her a smile. "Young Mistress, this song is called 'Never Grow Old'. It's the young master Yun's favourite song when he is feeling upset."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "It's quite suitable for when one is feeling upset. Yun Mutou, are you feeling upset today?"

Yun Mo: "..."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "Fine, if you're not speaking."

Ade: "Young Mistress, Young Master Yun was in quite a good mood before he went to your office."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "..."

Yun Mo: "Drive."

The car fell silent, especially after Ade saw Yun Mo's frosty face through the rearview mirror. He dared not make another peep. Qiao Xiaon'an, too, wisely kept quiet. Perhaps Ade's comment made her realize something. Was Yun Mutou upset because she had an ex-boyfriend?

She was starting to feel chilly and began to rub her arms. If only she had worn that suit from an unknown sender.

After several minutes of silent driving, Qiao Xiaon'an absentmindedly found a small note under her foot. Upon picking it up, she saw it was a receipt from a shopping mall. A clear logo appeared in front of her eyes- Valentino.

That's familiar!

Let her think...

Oh, right, the person who sent her the anonymous suit today was from this brand. Xiaon'an remembered hearing that the clothing of this brand was priced in the tens of thousands. Could it be Yun Mo instead of Nantian who had sent it?

But, how did Yun Mo know what size she wore? Was it a measurement that could be determined by a simple glance?

For some reason, Qiao Xiaon'an felt a warmth in her heart. This normally aloof man wasn't so bad after all. But, why he would send a suit to her office?

Qiao Xiaon'an was puzzled.

Turning her head, she was met with Yun Mo's calm and cold demeanor. He was leaning back in his seat, his eyes closed, listening to the soothing English song. His long eyelashes were particularly striking and manly, even with his eyes closed. If these long, thick eyelashes were on a woman, they would look good too.

If Yun Mo's daughter could resemble him, with long eyelashes, she would certainly be a beautiful doll.


Yun Mo's daughter.

They were married, they could have children in the future.


Just thinking about it gave her the creeps. Having children with him? Forget it, just forget it. He is such a cold man.

The atmosphere in the car was eerily silent. Everyone refrained from speaking. Halfway through the journey, Qiao Xiaon'an could no longer hold her silence. She didn't like the tense ambiance. The growl from the pit of her stomach, signaling her hunger, broke the deafening silence.

"Grrrr, grrrr..."

Using this opportunity, Qiao Xiaon'an started to chatter again:

"Yun Mutou, I'm getting a bit hungry. What are we eating tonight?"

"How about I treat you to hotpot? I haven't had it in a while, and I suddenly desire it."

"Anyway, I don't want to eat those fancy dinners with you. I'm not used to it."

Yun Mo did not say anything. He was still staring coldly at the traffic ahead. Qiao Xiaon'an pouted, "Yun Mo, if you don't want to go for hot pot, let Aden drop me off. I can go on my own."

Then, Yun Mo shifted his gaze from the traffic outside the window to Ade's back, "Ade, stop at the next intersection."

Ade: "Young Master Yun, but Young Mistress…"

Yun Mo: "..."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "Never mind, Ade. You don't have to bother about me."

Xiaon'an, a food-lover, spoke excitedly at the mention of hotpot. It didn't matter to her that Yun Mo was cold and unresponsive. At that moment, she was starved and wanted to satisfy her hunger with the food she enjoyed. When the car stopped at the next intersection, Ade and Qiao Xiaon'an didn't expect Yun Mo to instruct Ade to get out of the car and go home first.

Both of them did not understand until Yun Mo repeated, "You go home first."

Ade had no choice but to comply. It was only when he saw Yun Mo get off from the back and take the driver's seat that he realized their young master was taking the young mistress for hotpot.

"Is Young Master Yun going for hotpot with Young Mistress? Will it be spicy or non-spicy?"

"Oh my, Young Master Yun has gastritis and can't eat spicy food. Is he still going to accompany Young Mistress for hotpot?"

The extended version of the "Phantom" was still steadily travelling down the road. Qiao Xiaon'an was sitting in the car, watching Yun Mo calmly driving from the driver's seat. His broad shoulders, strong back, fitted suit, everything was aesthetically pleasing when reflected in her eyes. How did she end up marrying a man who was even handsome from behind?

Qiao Xiaon'an was in good spirits. "Yun Mo, where are you taking me?"

Yun Mo: "Didn't you want to eat hotpot?"

Qiao Xiaon'an: "You're finally speaking. I thought you've become a mute."

Yun Mo: "..."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "Yun Mo, could you roll down the window? I can't find anything in your car, not even the button to lower the window."

With his slender fingers, Yun Mo pressed the power window button, rolling down the passenger side window. Qiao Xiaon'an leaned out, enjoying the cool spring breeze and watching the bustling city of D City in the evening. Her wispy hair was blown back and forth by the wind. She had thin hair, not black, but very soft and smooth.

The cool breeze, the soft hair, the innocent smile with half-closed eyes.

She was the epitome of a male's high school crush.

Yun Mo glanced at her through the rear-view mirror, his icy gaze softening a bit. She had a certain purity about her, an honesty that was rare, especially when compared to the socialites he was used to. It was a kind of purity that was hard to feign.

Perhaps, that was the reason why he took her in without a second thought when he first saw her drunk.

The car resumed its journey forward. Qiao Xiaon'an who was feeling a bit cold after sticking her head out of the window pulled her head back inside and started to chatter again:

"Yun Mo, when you actually interact with people, you're quite adorable."

"Don't always be cold all the time, okay? We're married now, is this how you want to interact for the rest of our lives?"

"If you're willing to interact with me, I won't call you Yun Mutou."


Yun Mo didn't respond. Qiao Xiaon'an couldn't see it, but the serious and gentlemanly driver had a smirk on the corners of his mouth. How come he felt pleased whenever he heard her chatter?

"Yun Mutou, why are you being silent again? Don't blame me, you're the one who likes the name Yun Mutou."