Chapter 21 Are All Men Like This?_1

In the dark night, Qiao Xiaon'an spoke countless sentences, yet Yun Mo never replied. She thought he didn't care about this marriage and, taking the hint, fell silent. She half-buried her head in the thin blanket, lost in her thoughts filled with melancholy. Behind misty eyes, she closed her eyes and, always polite, told Yun Mo, "Goodnight, Yun Mutou."

At this point, Yun Mo slightly turned his head.

The quilt covering her upper body had been gently shifted by her, making a slight rustling sound. His deep gaze followed and moved down, seeing her burn exposed outside the blanket, which eased his concern. He waited a beat before responding to her, "Good night!"

After a short while, Qiao Xiaon'an fell asleep.