Chapter 23 Isn't This Too Fast When We're Together_1

Ade drove away with Yun Mo until they were out of sight on the villa's mountain road lined with white roses. Only then did Qiao Xiaon'an withdraw her gaze. Recalling Yun Mo's words before he left, telling her not to go anywhere, she couldn't help but frown.

"So domineering and authoritative, not even allowing me to go out."

But at the moment, looking at her injured leg, she realized she couldn't walk too far. So she called her company to request for a leave. By midday, Wu Ma brought a few bottles of ointment that Yun Mo had sent for her. It was very effective for burns. After applying it on her wound, it felt cool and comfortable, and it would prevent any scars from forming.

During lunch, Wu Ma received a call from Yun Mo. His usually cool voice came through the phone, "Did the young lady apply her medicine yet?"

"Mr. Yun, she has."

"Has she eaten yet?"

"She's eating now."

"Don't let her leave the villa, to keep her wound from hurting more."

"Yes, Mr. Yun."