Chapter 31 Exclusive Title in the Phone Book_1

When the sound of running water was still coming from the bathroom, Yun Mo, who was waiting on the sofa for Qiao Xiaon'an, received a call from Ade. The call was to remind him of an important meeting in the morning. After hanging up, Yun Mo glanced at his Patek Philippe watch on his wrist. It was already seven forty-five in the morning. If he calculated the time right, it would be just right to accompany Qiaoqiao for breakfast before heading to the office.

His phone was still in his hand, so Yun Mo pulled up his contacts, found Qiao Xiaon'an's number, deleted the three characters "Qiao Xiaon'an", and re-entered the two characters "Qiaoqiao".

Then, he saved it.



His Qiaoqiao.

Just thinking about this name made him feel warm.

And Qiao Xiaon'an herself, she really was a girl who warmed people's hearts.