Chapter 39 Unforgettable for a Lifetime_1

On their way to the restaurant, Deng Jiaru left first. Yun Mo took Qiao Xiaon'an and the prepared gifts to the restaurant, and separately gave the set of blue and white porcelain tableware and the Republic of China engraved edition of "The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms", or the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", to Deng Jiaru and Yun family's patriarch.

Deng Jiaru knew that her son had helped Qiao Xiaon'an select these gifts, only he knew her and the old man's preferences, but she didn't show any sign of it, and kept praising the gifts Xiao'an brought.

It seemed that if her son was willing to arrange things for Qiao Xiaon'an like this, their relationship must be advancing by leaps and bounds.

As long as her son sincerely liked a girl, Deng Jiaru would naturally be delighted.

You know, Yun Mo had no interest in women at first, which even caused negative news about his sexual orientation, affecting the stock price of the Yun Family.