Chapter 54 Why Persist so Bitterly_1

Following the chill in the voice, Qiao Xiaon'an turned around, only to see Chu Nantian's dazzling figure walking from the door. His hands, initially dangling at his sides, slid into his trouser pockets when he stopped in front of her, "I was originally going to have your manager inform you that I needed your assistance today for some business outside the office. But since you're here, I might as well tell you myself."

"Mr. Chu," Qiao Xiaon'an, who until moments ago had been pleading with her manager, instantly cooled her gaze, "I'm not the President's secretary. Accompanying the president outside on business is not part of my job."

Chu Nantian: "Following orders from your superior is part of your job."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "..."

Chu Nantian: "We leave at one in the afternoon."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "But I have something to do this afternoon."