Chapter 81: The Kiss on the Forehead, Sweetness in the Heart (2) _1

Qiao Xiaon'an walked on, smelling all the way.

The scent on his suit jacket belonged to that of Amo, not perfume, but a faint scent of lemongrass, which was quite nice.

So much so that Qiao Xiaon'an was in a pleasant mood.

Thinking about the recent events, she felt that their ordinary yet warm way of getting along was indeed heartwarming.

If life could always be like this, not cold, not hot, it would be so good!


After coming out of the restroom.

Qiao Xiaon'an intentionally sat next to Yun Mo, not across from him.

As soon as she sat down, she took Yun Mo's arm in hers, "Amo, I want to discuss something with you."

The fingers of Yun Mo that were on the keyboard paused for a moment. He raised his eyes and looked at her without a word, implying her to continue talking.

She smiled, "Are you free lately?"

Yun Mo frowned, "..."

He has been quite busy recently.

Qiao Xiaon'an corrected herself, "Not lately, but next Thursday, May 2nd, do you have time?"