Chapter 108 Because you are Mrs. Yun (3)_1

Yun Mo gracefully picked up the pair of silver handmade chopsticks that rested on the table. His every movement was elegant and charming, an absolute contrast to her unrefined way of eating on the other side of the table.

Despite that, they were together, and their hearts were drawing closer and closer.

He remained cool and composed. She enjoyed meat but he picked up a piece of boiled vegetables with his chopsticks and combined it with a few grains of rice, then elegantly put it into his mouth.

Then he said calmly, "Your imagination is quite rich."

In fact, he thought she was smart enough to guess it was him.

But, he couldn't tell her now.

On the other side, Qiao Xiaon'an, quite disappointed, picked up her chopsticks and gently bit it. The cold silver chopsticks clanged against her teeth, "Oh, it's not you. I was just daydreaming. I thought it was you."

Yun Mo finished his simple dinner while she continued to pick at the steamed hairy crabs with her hand.