Chapter 131: The Lovers Finally Become Family_1

On the third of June, Qiao Xiaon'an was just about to go to sleep.

She held the thin blanket that still faintly smelled of Amo, enjoying the peaceful night in the cool air from the air conditioner.

Suddenly her phone rang, waking her from her sleepiness.

She peeked at the bright screen of her phone. It was an overseas call from Amo.

All her sleepiness was gone in an instant.

A soft and low voice came from the other end, it was Yun Mo's.

"Are you asleep?"

Qiao Xiaon'an rolled over, looking at the old house outside the floor-to-ceiling window. It was remarkably beautiful under the moonlight.

She listened to the wind, the rustling of the bamboo, the delicate sound of flowing water, all while talking to Yun Mo.

It was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"I was just about to sleep. Amo, is it dawn where you are?"

"Yes. I just finished a round with Gu Xu." Yun Mo stood in the washroom, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"You fought?"

