Chapter 169: Mrs. Yun's Only Requirement_1

"That's unacceptable. I should be the one taking care of Grandpa and Grandma."

Qiao Xiaon'an rose from Yun Mo's lap and sat cross-legged on the sofa, "Anyway, from tomorrow on, I will memorize your number. As long as I have a heart to remember, it won't be too hard."

"..." He no longer opposed, letting her memorize was good, in case of any emergency, she could still call him.



She, dressed in a ice silk pajamas, with more than half of her white skin exposed.

The gentle breeze outside the window was stirring stray strands of her hair over her shoulders, bringing a whiff of lime scent.

That night when he first held her, it was this irresistible lime fragrance that he still couldn't forget.

Overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions, Yun Mo bent down, and his soft, thin sexy lips met hers.

"Amo, I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

She pushed him away.

He smiled, "That's a coincidence, I haven't brushed my teeth either."