Chapter 187: Blinding the Dog's Eyes_1

"What are you laughing at?"

Yun Mo, who turned his head to look, furrowed his brows, casting a tall and sturdy shadow on the smooth wall of the corridor.

Qiao Xiaonan snatched the towel from his hand, tiptoed, and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Nothing."

She had her little thoughts. If Amo found out she was infatuated with him, wouldn't she lose face?

"Absurd." His brows tightened further.

"Even if it's absurd, I won't tell you," she said with a playful smile.

After Yun Mo went upstairs to bathe and change his clothes, they both had breakfast together.

Then they both got into Ade's car and headed for the company.

It was already mid-July, and the summer heat was intense.

The morning sun was blinding, but Qiao Xiaonan still rolled down the car window, leaning against it, and enjoyed the cool breeze.

Yun Mo grabbed her hand, pulling her back. Stray strands of hair brushed her cheek in the wind. He tucked them away for her, "Qiaoqiao, resign from Tongyu Group today."