Chapter 191 Everyone Admires Her_1

As Shu Run left the office, she collided face-to-face with Qiao Xiaon'an who had just returned from a long walk.

"Hello, sister-in-law."

Qiao Xiaon'an nodded at Shu Run and heard her say, "Sister-in-law, I'm so jealous of you. You are really lucky. You must cherish our Young Master Yun."

A puzzled expression surfaced on her face, but Shu Run simply touched on the topic, smirked playfully, and left.

When she entered the office, she saw Yun Mo sitting at his desk, quietly and seriously reading a document.

Behind him was a floor-length window, and beyond it was half of D City. The view was extensive. Only successful people could possess such a high and wide view.

Looking at her Amo, he sat there like a king, the quintessential image of a successful man.

Upon closer observation, she noticed the document Amo was reading was in English, and it made her head spin.

However, he was so engrossed, he seemed to not have noticed her return.