Chapter 231: Still Cares About Her_1

"I came to help you look for your ring and unexpectedly found you here."

Lu Yichen's gaze fell from her face to the bread she held in her hand, with several bites in it, he suddenly felt a twinge of pain, "Is this your lunch?"

She gave an embarrassed smile.

He accidentally noticed that the date on the bread bag was mid-August.

But now it was already the 6th of September, long past its expiration date. No wonder she had only taken two or three bites.

He helplessly took the bread from her hand, "I have milk and bread in my car, bought for me by Jiajia this morning."

"I'm not going to eat, I have to look for my ring."

"People are iron, the meal is steel."

"Brother Yichen, I'm sorry, some things need to be said. You really don't have to help me find the ring."

"..." Lu Yichen clenched the bread in his hand.

"Firstly, I'm married. Secondly, Jiajia really likes you, I don't want to hurt her heart. We should keep some distance."