Chapter 286: Finally Saw You Smile_1

The courtyard with its entire snow scene outside the floor-to-ceiling window was reflected in the dawn.

There was a vast expanse of white snow and hazy lights, as if they wanted to break through the dawn and welcome the new day.

At some point, the arms Qiao Xiaon'an had wrapped around Yun Mo's neck grew tighter.

It was as if she was afraid of losing him if she slackened her grip.

She leaned against his shoulder, her cheek against his pajamas, breathing in the scent that was distinctly his.

She murmured, "Amo, I want to be with you every day from now on, until we grow old. You have to love me like this, okay?"

From Yun Mo's perspective, he could see her resting on his shoulder every time he lowered his head. His large hand slowly slid down her back, until it landed on the back of her head, lightly caressing her.

He let out a gentle sigh from his nose, even his voice became warmer:

"Silly girl, when have I ever not loved you?"