[31] Call My Name_1

After sending Wanqing back to the villa, Mu Tianying went to his office. Wanqing sat on the sofa all afternoon, until she heard the sound of a car and knew he had returned. She rushed to the foyer immediately.

After waiting for a while, Mu Tianying walked in and stared at her. She quickly presented his slippers to him, nervously watching his face. He looked at her for a while before reaching out and touching her face. As soon as his hand came into contact with the side of her face that had been struck earlier in the day, she recoiled in pain.

He brutally pulled his hand back, kicked the slippers away and walked upstairs without a backward glance.

Was he angry? Why was he angry again? What should she do?

Wanqing was beside herself with worry. Her mother would be discharged from the hospital soon; if he remained angry, he definitely would not allow her to return home.