Vip39【Bringing gifts for the rightful wife】_1

Phew! That was close! All they did was kiss at most. How would he think of her if she had said such things? He would surely see her as a loose woman and be disappointed in her, wouldn't he?

Thank God she hadn't said it out loud, she thought, feeling relieved.

Holding her, Mu Tianying said softly, "I may have rushed things... it seems like every time I intend to consummate our relationship, there's always some force interfering."

"Those...all were accidents!" Ding Caiyan quickly replied.

Patting her gently, Mu Tianying assured her, "The harder it is to get, the more precious it becomes. Perhaps God intends for me to cherish you. Don't worry, I won't be hasty anymore. Once we're back, I'll discuss with my Grandpa about holding a grand engagement ceremony, and then we'll gradually prepare for the wedding. I can restrain myself for one more year at most. By our wedding night, I hardly believe that God will still mess with me!"