Vip41【With her for a lifetime】_1

Mu Tianying irritably rubbed his forehead, moved over to Wanqing, and was just about to speak, when the door banged open. A man with a backpack stood in the doorway, asking, "What happened to my room?"

"Tianxue is staying there!" Mu Tianying responded, trying to keep his patience.

"Then where am I supposed to stay?"

"On the streets!" bellowed Mu Tianying.

For a moment, the man was stunned; he looked at Wanqing, then seemed to understand something. "Got it," he said, before closing the door behind him.

Mu Tianying let out a sigh, and was just about to say something to Wanqing when the door swung open again. As he braced himself to snap, the man quickly raised his hands in a surrendering gesture, pleading, "Cool it, cool it! I was just joking. You know I wouldn't be interested in her —"

"Get lost!" spat Mu Tianying, grinding his teeth. "If you come in again, I'll break your third leg!"

The man instinctively glanced down at his groin, then slammed the door shut — and was gone!