Vip56 [Bar] _1

"Wanqing flushed red, "You... You..."

Tianxue shrugged, "I'm pretty innocent, you know. I've read that men who have been repressed for too long become beasts, They could go at it all night and still not have enough!" After saying this, she patted Wanqing's shoulder seriously, "You have my sympathies!"

Wanqing clenched her teeth, trembling with frustration, but with Tianxue's flippant expression, she found it hard to remain angry.

"We'll just go together! Watch a movie, hang out at a bar for a while, and be back before the school gate closes!"

"What if your cousin tells your brother?"

"Relax! He doesn't have a death wish, he won't tell."

"But what if he does?"

"If my brother were to find out we took you—no, my cousin took us to the bar, he would surely be a dead man! Anyway, just relax!"

Finally, convincing Wanqing to agree, Tianxue breathed a sigh of relief before calling Mu Tiancheng: "Where are you now?"