Vip 156_1

It was Guan Haoran who picked up the tab for dinner, and Wanqing and Tianxue didn't fight him over it; they knew they could easily pay him back later.

After dinner, Wanqing and Tianxue went for a walk, and the members of the photography club followed with their cameras. The two didn't pay much attention to the group and identified plants as they strolled along. Wanqing thought she would identify more plants than Tianxue but ended up recognizing fewer.

"I joined a wilderness club when I was in primary school!" Tianxue announced, "Not only plants, but I also know many small animals! I even made some specimen books, they should still be around! I'll show you when we get back to A City!"

"A wilderness club?" Wanqing asked curiously, "Sounds quite adventurous, is it all about identifying plants and animals?"