
Mu Tianying entered the living room and saw Tianxue sitting dazedly on the sofa, not even daring to eat the specialty snacks he specially brought from A City.

"Ahem!" He coughed.

Tianxue jerked in fright: "Brother... "

"Whose idea was it?"


"Who suggested the trip outside?"

Tianxue gave a guilty smile: "Of course it couldn't have been her..."

Mu Tianying stared coldly at her.

She approached him and cooed, "It's not Wanqing's fault. I forced her to go. And that... you know about Guan Haoran, right?"

"I probably knew before you did."

Tianxue was taken aback and grumbled, "Why didn't you tell me? I was worried sick that Wanqing ran off with him, constantly helping you..."

"Really?" Mu Tianying asked grimly.

Scared he'd misunderstand, she raised her right hand, "I swear to God, her relationship with Guan Haoran is even more pure than pure water!"

"Why not purer than pure milk?"