
Tianxue cast an unhappy glance at her: "You've been so careless about me! Haven't you noticed that I've put on some weight?"

"..." Who said they hadn't noticed? But don't all women hate to be told they've gained weight? Though she thought Tianxue looked better a bit heavier than before, even a bit more elegant.

Tianxue said: "Since you left, I've put on 22 pounds!"

Wanqing widened her eyes: "And, you're still eating?"

"I'll just control my intake!" Tianxue laughed, not at all bothered, "As long as I don't continue to gain, it's OK. My waistline hasn't grown much, I still wear the same clothing size as before, it is just that my thighs and arms have thickened slightly. But I used to be too skinny, so this is just right now."

"I think so too," Wanqing laughed.

Tianxue looked at her and frowned: "You have gotten too skinny. After having a child, shouldn't you gain some weight? You've become even skinnier than before..." Tianxue sighed softly, not continuing.