
Some people originally thought of it as a cinderella story, only after hearing about this did they realize that it was a match of equal social standing. However, others knew that the old lady Jin loved to adopt orphans, and assumed that Wanqing was as well, suggesting that Mu Tianying didn't make a good deal with this marriage. After all, even Mu Tiangcheng married a world-class fashion designer, while this Ding Wanqing doesn't seem to have achieved anything.

There's also a Jin An'an who's accomplished nothing, but the man she married cannot compare to Mu Tianying. Looking at it this way, it really appears that Mu Tianying got the short end of the stick.

After the wedding ceremony, everyone saw the flower children rush onto the newlyweds, calling out, "Mom and Dad." They couldn't help but laugh: What kind of game is President Mu playing?

Then came all sorts of conjectures, but no one dared to speak too outrageously while idly chatting after tea.