Chapter 24: The Way Home is Unknown_1

The so-called she-devil was named Yang Yun. She wasn't ugly, but well-maintained, and although in her thirties, she still looked around twenty-seven or twenty-eight.

Her figure was even better, with a height that seemed to be around 170 cm at a glance.

However, she was a serious and stern woman.

When she was giving a lecture, absolute silence was essential in the classroom, with no minor movements allowed. Otherwise, the entire class had to copy out the day's lesson ten times over.

And most importantly, don't be late.

If it had been physical punishment, Luo Qingli wouldn't have been afraid. But Yang Yun never punished students physically, instead, she made late students copy English words from the back of the textbook ten times.

Not a single word should be missed, and one shouldn't skip a phonetic symbol or a Chinese character.

After that, copying all the English test papers for the current semester was next.