Chapter 55 What Gift Do You Want_1

Without the slightest politeness, and certainly no propriety, Luo Qingli devoured a large piece of red-braised pork. She gave a thumbs-up and said, "Uncle, this is really delicious."

This red-braised pork was on par with that of her own father's.

"If you like it, eat more." Gu Yuying was in a good mood, buoyed by the compliments.

Turns out, cooking like this isn't a big deal.

In the past, he was alone, so he didn't bother cooking, just eating whatever, whenever. Now that someone else was living with him, cooking didn't seem so bad.

"Yup! Uncle, you eat too." Luo Qingli wasn't a polite person - her eating habits were rather like a whirlwind sweeping up fallen leaves.

By the time Gu Yuying had eaten half his bowl, she had already finished a full bowl of rice and was serving herself seconds.

Watching Gu Yuying's unhurried pace, Luo Qingli thought some people were just naturally graceful.

This man seemed flawless from every angle, even his cooking was attractively done.