Chapter 61 Birthday Gift 3_1

"No big deal, do you like that car?" Gu Yuying asked in a detached tone, sounding like he was asking casually.

"I do!" Luo Qingli replied honestly, her eyes fixated on the conspicuous Ferrari. However, she added, "I do like it, but I think I can only ever look at it."

"I won't let you just look at it. You told me before that you have a driver's license, so here's the key, do you want to feel what it's like driving it?" Gu Yuying placed the car key in Luo Qingli's hand.

All the while, his face remained impassive, devoid of any signs of other emotions.

Luo Qingli looked at the car key with the Ferrari logo in her palm and swallow hard, "Uncle, you don't mean that red Ferrari, do you?"

"From now on, it's yours. Happy Birthday, Qingqing!" His face finally bore a hint of a smile and tenderness with his last sentence.

He had only wanted to tease Luo Qingli from the beginning; knowing that she liked it brought him relief. His efforts hadn't been in vain after all.