Chapter 125: Full Responsibility_1

This Shen Haoxuan came across as more of a gentleman. Yet it also revealed his cunning nature, having a much better attitude compared to Mi Lu. This no doubt made him seem more likable to others.

Not giving Mi Lu a chance to speak, he continued: "If this lady had not suddenly changed lanes and braked hard, I wouldn't have collided into the rear of her car. You know, nowadays many women are road hazards. Wasn't there such an accident just a few days ago?"

Hearing this insinuation, Mi Lu was fuming. "What are you implying? Are you saying that I am the road hazard? You crashed into my car and yet you have the audacity to slander me? Officer, it was this man that crashed into my car."

"Enough, both of you. Let's all go to the traffic police station!" No one was able to intervene, and both were taken away to the police station.

Shen Haoxuan didn't mind, while Mi Lu reluctantly followed them in.