Chapter 152 Qingqing, Why is Your Face Red_1

"Adult things?" Luo Qingli felt her face flush with embarrassment.

"Qingqing, what are you thinking about?" Gu Yuying knew exactly what Luo Qingli was thinking about, he just wanted to tease her.

"I… I'm not…" Luo Qingli turned her head to one side, avoiding Gu Yuying's intense gaze.

"Not? Then why are you blushing?" Gu Yuying restrained his laughter. Seeing someone so shy was really amusing.

Especially when that someone was his very own talented and adorable wife, he found it very entertaining.

Thinking about Luo Qingli being his wife made Gu Yuying very happy. It also meant that their future wouldn't be dull. There would always be fun, never boredom.

"I... I just... it's just that summer is coming, and I feel hot." Luo Qingli came up with a plausible excuse.

"Really? Why do I feel like your mind is wandering, Qingqing? Tell me, are your thoughts straying?"