Chapter 169 Difficult Case 2_1

Gu Yuying had once defeated him, estimating that knowing his opponent was Gu Yuying this time, given his vengeful nature, he would likely resort to any means necessary.

However, with Gu Yuying's relentless character, he naturally wouldn't back down.

Before having a chance to eat, Gu Yuying visited the victim's family.

"Xiaoyu has isolated herself in her room since the incident, refusing to eat or drink, occasionally screaming in terror. Lawyer Gu, I beg you, you must help seek justice for my daughter!" The desperate pleading came from Liu Yu's mother.

"I will do my best." Gu Yuying glanced at Liu Yu, who was in the room at the moment. Her hair was a mess, as she aimlessly gazed in front of her.

Seeing Liu Yu in this state didn't stir any sympathy in Gu Yuying. To be honest, he didn't think Liu Yu was deserving of pity, feeling no sympathy for her predicament. Her present state, he thought, was partly her own doing.