Chapter 209: Like Repels Like, Opposites Attract_1

When she got home, Luo Qingli quickly put the unpleasant incident at school behind her. She still ate heartily and slept deeply as usual.

Yesterday was the last day for freshmen to register, and Luo Qingli was about to begin her orientation military training at university today.

Even though Luo Qingli had decided not to live on campus, the school had made it a rule that all new students must stay in the dormitories during the training period. Students who lived outside the school were only allowed to do so after the training was over.

Regarding this rule, all Gu Yuying could do was to nod in irritation.

The military training for new students lasted a total of ten days.

Unlike the bitter faces of her classmates, Luo Qingli, on the other hand, was really looking forward to the military training.

During high school, she had missed out on the training because she had to go to another city for a competition. Later on, she regrets that she missed it.