Chapter 249 Overly Excited_1

Lu Lin is a girl who loves to gossip and is curious about everything.

"Little Linzi, if you don't become a gossip reporter in the future, it would truly be a waste of your talent," Luo Qingli really admired Lu Lin's ability to dish out the latest gossip.

"It's a pity that I chose the wrong major. Well, one can always work in a field unrelated to their major. That's why I've taken some journalism elective courses," Lu Lin stated unapologetically.

"I am curious too, I heard that this person is young and successful, and also very good-looking. So many girls from other departments would go to your lectures as well. I plan on sitting in as well," Ling Weiwei interjected.

"Weiwei, can you really go? I heard the lecture is fully booked!" Luo Qingli said curiously.

"See what I have here?" Ling Weiwei proudly flashed a seat number in her hand.

"Weiwei, how did you get that?" Lu Lin admired the card in Ling Weiwei's hand.