Chapter 272 Suddenly Miss You_1

Luo Qingli sighed, after all these years, she had never heard of her senior brother having a girlfriend. She hadn't even heard about him liking anyone.

This was inconceivable! She had never seen any girl chasing after him.

Could it be...

Her senior brother couldn't be...

Gay…right…not really…is he…could he be…

If not, not having someone he likes is really abnormal!

"No girlfriend?!" Ling Weiwei seemed thoughtful, as if she had thought about something.

Luo Qingli was probably that kind of eye-catching girl, people noticed her immediately when she entered through the door. As she left the school gate and boarded the bus, another pair of eyes followed her.

Back and forth like this, Gu Yuying had already returned to the apartment.

He'd even prepared a table full of delicious food, now and then checking the time, frowning. He was probably wondering why Luo Qingli hadn't come home yet!

Ever since Luo Qingli's school started, they had moved back into the apartment.