Chapter 299: I am Luo Qingli's Husband 1_1

It was the first time Chen Han and Mu Si witnessed the true ferocity of Luo Qingli, and Chen finally understood that back then when dealing with the club members at the Adventure Club, Luo Qingli was just playing around with them.

Only now did he realise that a world-level Martial Arts champion is far from just bluffing. They truly possess such ability.

The grand prize had been taken away. What remained were some minor prizes. Most people, already exhausted, had descended the mountain. The remaining ones all had specific objectives.

Even though Luo Qingli insisted that Mu Si and Chen Han not join, they felt embarrassed letting a girl protect them while they did nothing.

Soon enough, both of them also joined the battle.

"All I asked you was to protect yourselves, right? You are no match for them, hurry down the mountain." It was probably the only time Luo Qingli showed her dominance during a fight!