Chapter 374 Front Page Headline 1_1

"Perhaps my elder brother can help you resolve your doubts. Maybe there's something wrong with that packet of aphrodisiac!" A hint of a sharp edge flashed in Gu Yuying's eyes. He had declared himself done with Leng Luo, but that didn't mean he wouldn't investigate this matter thoroughly.

And it certainly didn't mean he wouldn't go after others involved.

Leng Luo, a woman alone, could not have orchestrated this. She must have had help from behind the scenes.

If it hadn't been for the panic in Leng Luo's eyes when she saw him awake, he might have been willing to believe she wasn't part of this.

Why would all these people conspire against him? For what exactly?

"Oh!" Luo Qingli did not quite understand, but she decided not to ask anymore.

She suddenly remembered something important. Luo Qingli gave a sly, wicked smile, "Uncle, if you didn't put any hickey on Leng Luo, then who did?"