Chapter 419 Striving for Presence_1

Luo Qingli clutched her stomach tightly, her gaze wary of Gu Yuying, very much ready to fight him if he dared to mess around.

His wife's reaction left him speechless, "Qingqing, I'm not trying to do anything. You being so nervous and defensive might awaken the beast within me."

"Humph! The beast within you? More like the beast without! You're already so beastly, yet you claim there's more left unseen? Are you trying to prove you're even more beastly than I thought?" Luo Qingli sneered, her lips twitching with undisguised contempt.

"..." Gu Yuying fell silent, knowing that it was unwise to speak at this point.

If he spoke up, or tried to defend himself, he would either seem no better than a beast or even worse.

Anything he'd say now would be wrong.

"Uncle, why aren't you speaking? What are you thinking about?" Luo Qingli's long eyelashes fluttered, her eyes shifting here and there, making her fox-like eyes even more animated.