Chapter 447 Zhao Wanru Wakes Up 1_1

When Luo Nanyang showed up at the hospital with a meal box, Zhao Wanru was still unconscious.

"Dad!" Gu Yuying called softly.

"How is your mother doing? Has she woken up?" enquired Luo Nanyang.

Gu Yuying shook his head, "Not yet."

"Wake Xiaoli up, have something to eat first! You've worked hard these last few days." Gu Yuying had been bustling around sorting everything out.

He felt relieved to leave his daughter in the hands of such a man, Luo Nanyang trusted him completely.


Perhaps the scent of Luo Nanyang's food was too enticing, ten minutes later, Zhao Wanru gradually woke up.

"Honey, you're awake!" Luo Nanyang was the first one to notice the movement from Zhao Wanru's side.

"Mom, you're awake!" Luo Qingli dropped her chopsticks and quickly ran over to Zhao Wanru.

Zhao Wanru's headache was intense and she pressed her hand on the spot where the bullet had hit, only then did she open her eyes.