Chapter 12. Remembering that voice 'Dog man and woman'_1

This house, was one that he seldom returned to because of Ming Mei. Even when he did come back, he would only stay briefly without spending the night.

The butler knocked and entered, "Young master, there's something, I am ashamed that I didn't tell you at once."

Liancheng Yanzhi buttoned up his top button, "Speak."

"The day before yesterday, the Young Madam accidentally fell into the ornamental lake in the garden during an argument with a maid. Even though she was quickly rescued, her... health seems not to be very good, and she refuses to see a doctor. Should we call Dr. Stephen for the Young Madam?"

Kang Chen's finger paused, his facial expression unchanged, "As she wishes."

When a person doesn't care about their own body, one can't expect others to cherish it.

Especially when it comes to Ming Mei, he felt annoyed even by hearing one extra piece of information about her.

The butler stole a glance at Kang Chen, his almost nonexistent smile was stunning and gorgeous. The cold ruthlessness at the bottom of his eyes frightened the butler into averting his gaze: "Yes."

Kang Chen initially intended to severely annoy Ming Mei, to make her bring up divorce graciously.

Unexpectedly, she showed no tact at all.

She even dared to go against him unusually.

Indeed, Liancheng Yanzhi's silly idea, totally not trustworthy.

Kang Chen went downstairs, he would find Liancheng Yanzhi and settle this right now.

When he was descending the stairs and saw Ming Mei's bedroom door, Kang Chen paused.

The words 'adulterous couple' that Ming Mei had flung at him came to mind.

Kang Chen's face darkened even more!

At this moment, Ming Mei, the one who had called him an 'adulterous man', was lying shivering in bed out of fear.

Ming Mei was nervously biting her finger, sitting up uncomfortably, turning on the light, and wrapping herself in a blanket.

Only after revising all of the original host's memories did Ming Mei realize what a terrifying, cruel, and brutal man she had just provoked.

She had always believed that she was simple and brusque, always resorting to brute force rather than talking.

But she now realized that compared to Kang Chen, she was nothing – not even scraps.

Wait. She had to go through this bit by bit.

Lest her mind not be able to keep up.

The era she now lived in was entirely different from the 21st century she had lived in before. This world was part of a country so vast it left one shocked.

Whether in terms of technological development, humanistic economy, or life style, all were countless advances from her previous era.

This was a country similar to a western constitutional monarchy, with separate powers of a bicameral legislature and military. The King was just a figurehead, only appearing at national large-scale celebrations.

But in recent years, the military has gradually taken an unshakeable dominant position in this standoff.


the original host's husband—Kang Chen.

This was the man that she had just moments ago in the downstairs, called an 'adulterous man'. He was a person who could change the fate of the empire because he was the highest-ranking officer in the empire, leading the largest and most brave army of the empire.

The power in his hands could crush any city.

Kang Chen was the man at the very top of this country's pyramid of power.

The thought of the face-off she had moments ago with such a man made Ming Mei feel like stabbing herself.

The most fatal thing was, she now knew why Kang Chen hated the original owner so much.

Putting aside the fact that Kang Chen's father forced him to marry the original owner.

It was all the 'good deeds' that the original owner had done, when listed out, there wasn't a single one that people could say something good about, even if they were to lie.