Chapter 15. I'm Relieved If I Don't Succeed_1

"Even if it's a work of art, it's only a matter of two to three months…" Xia Xuanmo, dressed in a charcoal suit, sat next to Feng Nongtang. He looked like he'd just stepped out of his office, with not a crease or wrinkle on his clothing, and his hair strands immaculately styled.

He wore a pair of rimless glasses, sitting there gentlemanly and refined, his face donned an eternally gentle smile. It seemed as if nothing could upset him or was worth his ire.

Feng Nongtang gave a hearty laugh, "Yes indeed, but I still want to meet them in person a few days later. After all, people treasured by Mr. Ya are not easy to come by; we might be looking at a beauty."

While they were conversing, a young man pushed the door and entered the room.

The room's lighting was dim, but the moment he appeared it was as if he brought an aura with him, brightening the whole private room.

Amongst the men present, none could match his magnificent features. His every gesture and movement exuded an air of unhurried elegance - deadly handsome.

Xia Xuanmo acknowledged the newcomer with a nod and a glass of wine, "Just as we were talking about you, here you are. We wondered if you're skipping this gathering."

The newcomer is Cheng Yazhi of their conversation, the leader of the first financial firm in Imperial City, Liancheng Family.

Feng Nongtang joked, "Mr. Ya, we were just discussing your treasure. We heard that you've got a new flame, why don't you show them off?"

Cheng Yazhi sat down on a sofa not far from Kang Chen, responding unconcernedly, "Not necessary, they are not worthy of public display."

Feng Nongtang snorted, "Come off it. You wouldn't hide it if they really aren't worthy of public display."

Cheng Yazhi didn't respond, instead turned to ask Kang Chen, "How long have you been here, Kang Chen?"

Kang Chen sat lazily. His posture hadn't changed; he looked like a bird of prey dozing off, one that couldn't be bothered to strike at a passing antelope.

Kang Chen glanced at Cheng Yazhi, "Quite a while."

He had come today specifically to wait for Cheng Yazhi.

Kang Chen swirled his wine glass, tilted his head back and drained the last bit of liquor from it.

Slowly, he stood up. The jacket on his shoulders slipped off and fell onto the sofa.

The moment he stood up, his aura expanded instantly, prompting a tremor in everyone's hearts.

Kang Chen said to Cheng Yazhi, "Come out."

Cheng Yazhi hooked a corner of his mouth, put down the wine glass he had just picked up but hadn't taken a sip from, and accepted, "Alright!"

The two were preparing to go outside. Feng Nongtang, a bit confused about what they were up to, called out, "Hey, where are you two going?"

Kang Chen simply tossed back two words: "Settling accounts."

Settling accounts?

These two, one the richest man in Imperial City, the other the one with the most power, what kind of accounts could they possibly be settling?

As Kang Chen and Cheng Yazhi left, the light inside the suite seemed to dim substantially.

The two men came to a secluded corner outside.

Once they stopped, Cheng Yazhi asked directly, "Did it work?"

Kang Chen gave him a cold glance, too lazy to speak.

Cheng Yazhi laughed, "Oh... it looks like it didn't work, I can rest assured then."

Kang Chen spoke coolly: "Absolutely useless."

Cheng Yazhi clapped Kang Chen's shoulder, "What's there to worry about? I have plenty more methods under my belt. If one doesn't work, we can try the next, and if that doesn't work, we can switch again."


[Announcement] To avoid confusion amongst readers, I've rewritten a version last night after staying up late. The previous chapters have been heavily modified and are completely replaced.