Chapter 24. Scumbag, Kick, Kick, Kick_1

Seeing Kang Chen's face darken instantly, Ming Mei felt a wave of satisfaction. She shrugged her shoulders and continued, "Seriously, this is just advice. I don't mind seeing it, but others might not be as polite as I am when they do."

As soon as Ming Mei finished speaking, she regretted it. She wished she could slap herself.

Damn it, she'd just told herself to hold back. How did she lose control so quickly?

But, Ming Mei really couldn't suppress her anger. He could mess around outside, but she wasn't allowed to utter a word?

Ming Mei had never been one to beat around the bush; she couldn't help but speak her mind.

Although it was quite dangerous, letting it out felt really good.

Underneath the covers, Ming Mei discreetly made a 'v' symbol with her fingers.

Dr. Stephen covered his mouth, lowered his head, and his shoulders trembled with laughter. It was simply... too funny.