Chapter 34. Violent Aesthetics_1

No, she can't see him, or else she would be exposed.

Ming Mei hesitated, "I... didn't sleep well last night, I better not go..."

The maid obediently nodded, "Alright..."

Ming Mei suddenly changed her mind, "Wait... I suddenly feel... a little hungry. Maybe I should go eat something. You go ahead first, I'll change my clothes and join you."

"Alright." The maid left.

Ming Mei hurried to apply her makeup.

A man like Kang Chen wouldn't stop until he achieved his goal. If he wanted to see her, even if she didn't go down, he would come up.

Rather than waiting for him to become suspicious, she might as well go down herself and alleviate his doubts.

Ming Mei's complexion was still quite pale. She hastily applied a light makeup that made her look better.

The key was her lips. She had to find a way to hide the faint traces of wounds there.